Mat Pilates

Improvers Mat Pilates 
The perfect progression for those that are comfortable with the fundamentals and are looking to move onto the next step of their Pilates Journey. When practiced with consistency, pilates improves flexibility, builds strength and develops control and endurance in the whole body.

Intermediate Mat Pilates 
You are now Comfortable & Confident within your Pilates Practice. Understanding the Principles of Pilates you can flow through Fundamental/ Improver repertoire with control. Individuals will be aware of their personal Strengths and any exercises that may be contraindicated or limited for their own body.

Mixed Ability Mat Pilates
Our Mixed Ability Classes offer an opportunity to practice Pilates weekly if you are unable to attend either of the sessions above. These classes are limited in numbers so that we can maintain a safe environment with varying levels of practice. A class abundant with Options and Modifications to suit all needs.